c) vessel to carry cargo must be seaworthy, fully geared, singledecker dịch - c) vessel to carry cargo must be seaworthy, fully geared, singledecker Việt làm thế nào để nói

c) vessel to carry cargo must be se

c) vessel to carry cargo must be seaworthy, fully geared, singledecker or tweendecker suitable for the transportation, loading and unloading of bagged rice.
d) the performing vessel to be fully ISM, ISSC, classed, Hull insurance and PNI covered by an internationally recognized organization be remained so for the duration of the F/N.
e) the vessel must be complied with ISPS code. Non-compliance of ISPS xose, if any, shall be at Owner’s full time/ account/ responsibilities.

4. discharging port: 1-2 safe berth(s) , 1 safe port of philipines.
a) receiver shall use the following discharge port: national capital region, cebu general santos city, cagayan de oro, surigao city, davao city.
b) owner to guarantee vessel’s draft is suitable for arriving discharge port otherwise, lightening , if any , shall be for shipowner’s account, time and expenses.
c) notice of readiness shall be considered tendred only upon vessel’s arrival of sischarging port and laytime shall be for commence at 0800 hour of the next business day.
d) the charterer to confirm to the owner the name of the discharging port latest 02 days before completion of loading.
5. the shipping agent

7. freight payment
a) to be paid in vietnamese dong (VND) with vietcombank Ho Chi Minh City Branch’s selling exchange rate at the time of issuancee freight invoice.
b) 100 pct off freight to be paid by charterer to owner nominated bank against receipt of original freight invoice within 05 banking days from signing and releasing original clean on board charter. Parties bill of lading marked “ Freight prepaid” but always before discharging cargo.
8. Loading term
a) cargo to be loaded/ stowed at charterer’s / shipper’s expenses on CQD basis, i.e . no demurrage/ no despatch/ no detention.
b) on arrival at loadport, vessel’s holds must be properly cleanded, dried and free from strange odour, insects and suitable for loading rice which means the vessel holds must be satisfied with the surveyor’s requirements for loading rice shown in hold’s survey report. Loading shall only be commenced after passing holds surveys.
c) charterer tries to loading about 1,00 MT on basic og 04 workable hatches/ gears or pro- rata per weather working day of 24 consecutive hours, Sundays, holidays excepted even if used.
d) notice og readiness (NOR) to be tendered to the charterer/ shipper on receiving free pratique whether at berth or not, but the vessel is nos considered as ready if her holds are not passed survey.
e) charterer is responsible to arrange holds survey at their expenses before loading cargo and supply the shipowner at survey report.
f) charterer/ shipper to co-ordinate with ower/ master to loading the sound cargo on board the performing vessel
g) owner to agree to cooperate and allow on board presence of buyer’s appointed surveyor from vessel loading comencement until the loading completion , even if there is no loading cargo on board.
h) upon completion of loading, all vessel’s holds/ hatches to be sealed by chartere’s surveyor. The cost of seal shall be for account of the charterer.
i) during loading operation and once cargo has been trimmed and stowed, if cargo is found water – damaged, short of theft, … owner will be responsible to immediately treat, settle and fully replace the stolen/ wet cargo both in term of quality and quantity at account and risks of Owner.
9. discharging terms:
a) cargo to be discharged at charterers/ receivers/ APFL’s expenses.
b) vessel to carry cargo must be seaworthy , fully geared, singledecker or tweendecker suitable for bagged rice loading and unloading.
c) vessel shall have workable hatches/gears which can be easily opened and closed. With individual boom/ derrick of at least ten (10) tons capacity each to effect simultaneous discharge of cargo.
d) cargo to be discharged at 250 MT/ workable gang per twenty-four (24) consecutive hours weather working day, sindays and holidays excluded unless used (WWDSHEXUU), provided vessel is fully and sufficiently equipped with necessary gears and equipment with lifting capacity of ten (10) tons SWL
e) notification of vessel’s readiness must be delivered at the office of the charterer and APFL during office hours ( Monday – Friday, from 0800 hours to 1600 hours and satueday from 0800 hours to 1200 hours) by telefax, telex, radio or telephone ( if by radio or telephone, to be subsequently informed promptly in writing).
f) if the vessel is ready in all respects to discharge the cargo, laytime will commence at 0800 hours of the next business day, WIBON.
g) first opening and last closing of hatches shall not count as laytime.
h) shifting from the 1st discharging place to the 2nd discharging place, if required by local/ port authority, shall be at Owners’ expenses/time/risk. Any additional shifting to be borne by the requesting party.
10. demurrage / despatch
a) rate of demurrage/ despatch for each vessel at disport to be as follows:
demurrage: USD 1,000 per day and pro-rata for all time lost.
despatch: USD 500 per day and pro-rata for working time saved.
b) documents for settlements:
- statement of facts with three signatures of Master, agent and charterer or their employees (shipper/ consigner/ their stevedores co.)
- NOR to be tendered by shipmaster or their agent in writing with the time received.
- owner must supply charterer statement of Fact and notice of readiness for discharging within 5 days upon completion of discharging the cargo.
c) mode and time for settlementl
all dem/ des to be settled by both parties within sixty (60) calendar days after mutual acceptance of Dem/Dess computation.
11. Cargo fumigation on board:
a) at loading port:
- fumigation expenses, if any, to be Charterer’s account.
- Expenses for crew during fumigation to be for owner’s account.
- owner to allow 48 hours free time for cargo fumigation.
- vessel quick sailing after fumigation shall be arranged if required by owner/master but should be in conformity with local/port authority’s regulations.
- on completion of fumigation, vessel sails out and moves directly from loadport to discharge port in her routine waterway and not to be allowed to berth at any port, except in case of force majeure and for bunker purpose.
b) at discharging port:
in case of re-fumigation, if raquirad, all expenses as mentioned in (a) above to be for charterer’s account.
12. Dunnages/mats: to be at owner’s account/ time/ arrangement. Laying/ tying dunnage materials at owner’s account/ time but mats for saparation, if any, to be for Charterer’s account.
13. Lightening/lighterage: if any, to be at Charterer’s/ shipper’s/ receiver’s/ APFL’s account.
14. Delivery of cargo:
Cargo to be delivered/ released against the presentation of original B(s)/L or charterer’s Letter of indemnity (LOI)
15. Owner’s responsibilities:
a) Owner to submit to charterer the vessel’s name, flag, age, P&I membership, ISM certificate, classification society and registry certificate, name, number of hatches/hold, number and capacity of derricks/gears for obtaining the receivers acceptance of the performing vessel.
b) Owner and/or Master and/or agent to give Vinafood II and receiver 72/48/24 hours notice of expected time of vessel’s arrival at loading and discharging port respectively.
c) After completion of loading Owner shall advise Charterer vessel’s time of departure at loadport and estimated time of arrival at disport. Owner to keep Charterer informed of vessel’s position/daily status during her voyage from loadport to disport.
d) No cargo shall be stowed in compartments which are not suitable for the cargo loading and discharging.
e) Owner to undertake to maintain the performing vessel’s gears for loading and discharge in efficient working order. Any delay in loading and discharging due to inefficiency or breakdown of winches, derricks to be for owner’s account and time lost shall not be counted as laytime. In the case vessel’s cranes/derricks/winches is/are out of order over 01 day, shore crane to be hired at owner’s account and time to count at both ends.
f) vessel to give free use of cargo gears, winches and derricks capable to lifting capacity as per described and necessary lights for any work free of charge to the Charterer and also for night work and Sundays/holidays, if required
g) owner to guarantee the real owner/carriers/operators of vessel to be supplied with no legal, financial problems and the owner ship/ship’s name will not be changed until completion of the Fixture Note’s period. But in any case owner is fully responsible for any damages/ losses/ disbutes…. Arisen from this fixture note.
h) owner to guarantee to supply the performing vessel with full seaworthiness and in good conditions and has appropriate gas tight seals suitable for fumigation and suitable for the carriage of exported rice.

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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
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c) tàu chở hàng hóa phải được đủ, đầy đủ hướng, singledecker hoặc tweendecker thích hợp cho việc vận chuyển, bốc xếp bagged gạo.d) thực hiện các tàu để là hoàn toàn ISM, ISSC, phân loại, Hull bảo hiểm và PNI bao phủ bởi một tổ chức quốc tế công nhận là vẫn như vậy trong thời gian của F/ne) tàu phải được tuân thủ với ISP mã. Phòng không tuân thủ của ISP xose, nếu có, sẽ tại của chủ sở hữu toàn thời gian / tài khoản / trách nhiệm.4. xả cảng: 1-2 an toàn berth(s), 1 cổng an toàn của Việt Nam.a) người nhận phải sử dụng cổng xả sau: vùng thủ đô quốc gia, cebu general santos city, cagayan de oro, thành phố surigao, thành phố davao.b) chủ sở hữu để đảm bảo dự thảo của tàu là thích hợp cho đến xả cổng nếu không, sét, nếu có, sẽ cho tài khoản của chủ tàu, thời gian và các chi phí.c) thông báo về sự sẵn sàng sẽ được coi là tendred chỉ khi của tàu đến cảng sischarging và laytime cho bắt 0800 giờ ngày làm việc kế tiếp.d) charterer để xác nhận chủ sở hữu tên cổng discharging đặt 02 ngày trước khi hoàn tất tải.5. đại lý vận chuyển7. vận tải hàng hóa thanh toána) để được trả bằng Việt Nam đồng (VND) với tỷ giá bán của chi nhánh ngân hàng vietcombank TP. Hồ Chí Minh lúc đó của issuancee vận chuyển hàng hóa hóa đơn.b) 100 pct ra vận chuyển hàng hóa để được trả tiền bởi charterer với chủ đề cử ngân hàng chống lại nhận được hoá đơn vận chuyển hàng hóa ban đầu trong vòng 05 ngân hàng ngày từ đăng và phát hành ban đầu sạch trên tàu điều lệ. Bên bill vận đơn đánh dấu "Vận chuyển hàng hóa trả trước" nhưng luôn luôn trước khi xử lý hàng hóa. 8. tải hạna) vận chuyển hàng hóa được nạp / xếp lại tại của charterer / của người gửi hàng chi phí trên cơ sở CQD, tức là. không có demurrage / mau lẹ không có / không có bị giam giữ.b) trên đến loadport, tàu của tổ chức phải là đúng cleanded, khô và miễn phí từ lạ mùi, côn trùng và phù hợp để nạp gạo có nghĩa là các tàu có phải được hài lòng với yêu cầu của thanh tra cho tải gạo Hiển thị trong báo cáo điều tra của tổ chức. Tải sẽ chỉ được bắt đầu sau khi đi qua giữ cuộc điều tra.c) charterer cố gắng để tải về 1,00 MT trên cơ bản og 04 hoàn toàn khả thi nắp / bánh răng hoặc tỉ lệ một thời tiết ngày làm việc 24 giờ liên tục, chủ nhật, ngày nghỉ trừ ngay cả khi được sử dụng.d) thông báo sự sẵn sàng og (NOR) để được đấu thầu để charterer / người gửi nhận được pratique miễn phí cho dù ở bến hay không, nhưng các tàu là nos coi là sẵn sàng nếu tổ chức của mình không được thông qua khảo sát.e) charterer chịu trách nhiệm để sắp xếp tổ chức khảo sát tại chi phí của họ trước khi tải vận chuyển hàng hóa và cung cấp chủ tàu tại báo cáo điều tra.f) charterer / người gửi để phối hợp với ower / tổng thể để tải hàng hóa âm thanh trên tàu thực hiện g) owner to agree to cooperate and allow on board presence of buyer’s appointed surveyor from vessel loading comencement until the loading completion , even if there is no loading cargo on board.h) upon completion of loading, all vessel’s holds/ hatches to be sealed by chartere’s surveyor. The cost of seal shall be for account of the charterer.i) during loading operation and once cargo has been trimmed and stowed, if cargo is found water – damaged, short of theft, … owner will be responsible to immediately treat, settle and fully replace the stolen/ wet cargo both in term of quality and quantity at account and risks of Owner.9. discharging terms:a) cargo to be discharged at charterers/ receivers/ APFL’s expenses.b) vessel to carry cargo must be seaworthy , fully geared, singledecker or tweendecker suitable for bagged rice loading and unloading.c) vessel shall have workable hatches/gears which can be easily opened and closed. With individual boom/ derrick of at least ten (10) tons capacity each to effect simultaneous discharge of cargo.d) cargo to be discharged at 250 MT/ workable gang per twenty-four (24) consecutive hours weather working day, sindays and holidays excluded unless used (WWDSHEXUU), provided vessel is fully and sufficiently equipped with necessary gears and equipment with lifting capacity of ten (10) tons SWLe) notification of vessel’s readiness must be delivered at the office of the charterer and APFL during office hours ( Monday – Friday, from 0800 hours to 1600 hours and satueday from 0800 hours to 1200 hours) by telefax, telex, radio or telephone ( if by radio or telephone, to be subsequently informed promptly in writing).f) if the vessel is ready in all respects to discharge the cargo, laytime will commence at 0800 hours of the next business day, WIBON.g) first opening and last closing of hatches shall not count as laytime.h) shifting from the 1st discharging place to the 2nd discharging place, if required by local/ port authority, shall be at Owners’ expenses/time/risk. Any additional shifting to be borne by the requesting party.10. demurrage / despatcha) rate of demurrage/ despatch for each vessel at disport to be as follows:demurrage: USD 1,000 per day and pro-rata for all time lost.despatch: USD 500 per day and pro-rata for working time saved.b) documents for settlements:- statement of facts with three signatures of Master, agent and charterer or their employees (shipper/ consigner/ their stevedores co.)- NOR to be tendered by shipmaster or their agent in writing with the time received.- owner must supply charterer statement of Fact and notice of readiness for discharging within 5 days upon completion of discharging the cargo.c) mode and time for settlementl all dem/ des to be settled by both parties within sixty (60) calendar days after mutual acceptance of Dem/Dess computation.11. Cargo fumigation on board:a) at loading port:- fumigation expenses, if any, to be Charterer’s account.- Expenses for crew during fumigation to be for owner’s account.- owner to allow 48 hours free time for cargo fumigation.- vessel quick sailing after fumigation shall be arranged if required by owner/master but should be in conformity with local/port authority’s regulations.- on completion of fumigation, vessel sails out and moves directly from loadport to discharge port in her routine waterway and not to be allowed to berth at any port, except in case of force majeure and for bunker purpose.b) at discharging port:in case of re-fumigation, if raquirad, all expenses as mentioned in (a) above to be for charterer’s account.12. Dunnages/mats: to be at owner’s account/ time/ arrangement. Laying/ tying dunnage materials at owner’s account/ time but mats for saparation, if any, to be for Charterer’s account.13. Lightening/lighterage: if any, to be at Charterer’s/ shipper’s/ receiver’s/ APFL’s account.14. Delivery of cargo:Cargo to be delivered/ released against the presentation of original B(s)/L or charterer’s Letter of indemnity (LOI)15. Owner’s responsibilities:a) Owner to submit to charterer the vessel’s name, flag, age, P&I membership, ISM certificate, classification society and registry certificate, name, number of hatches/hold, number and capacity of derricks/gears for obtaining the receivers acceptance of the performing vessel.b) Owner and/or Master and/or agent to give Vinafood II and receiver 72/48/24 hours notice of expected time of vessel’s arrival at loading and discharging port respectively.c) After completion of loading Owner shall advise Charterer vessel’s time of departure at loadport and estimated time of arrival at disport. Owner to keep Charterer informed of vessel’s position/daily status during her voyage from loadport to disport.d) No cargo shall be stowed in compartments which are not suitable for the cargo loading and discharging.e) Owner to undertake to maintain the performing vessel’s gears for loading and discharge in efficient working order. Any delay in loading and discharging due to inefficiency or breakdown of winches, derricks to be for owner’s account and time lost shall not be counted as laytime. In the case vessel’s cranes/derricks/winches is/are out of order over 01 day, shore crane to be hired at owner’s account and time to count at both ends.f) vessel to give free use of cargo gears, winches and derricks capable to lifting capacity as per described and necessary lights for any work free of charge to the Charterer and also for night work and Sundays/holidays, if requiredg) owner to guarantee the real owner/carriers/operators of vessel to be supplied with no legal, financial problems and the owner ship/ship’s name will not be changed until completion of the Fixture Note’s period. But in any case owner is fully responsible for any damages/ losses/ disbutes…. Arisen from this fixture note.h) owner to guarantee to supply the performing vessel with full seaworthiness and in good conditions and has appropriate gas tight seals suitable for fumigation and suitable for the carriage of exported rice.

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