There is a need for honey bee semen cryopreservationto counter allelic losses causedby the population declines due to Varroamites, colony collapse disorder, and other futurethreats. Maximum storage life at roomtemperature for honey bee semen is approximatelytwo weeks (Cobey, 2007). Liquidnitrogen (LN2) storage of spermatozoapromises long-term storage capabilities; butsuccess with LN2 storage methodologies arecurrently inadequate for use in instrumentalinsemination because of poor brood production(Melnichenko and Vavilov, 1976; Harbo,1979, 1983; Verma, 1983; Kaftanoglu andPeng, 1984). Kaftanoglu and Peng (1984) reportedusing cryopreserved semen for instrumentalinsemination and achieved 47% workerproduction; lower than the ideal 95–99%, indicatinga low fertilization rate. It has been
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