DOTA_Chat_BuyBack" "%s1 just bought back into the game!"
"DOTA_Chat_PickedUpAegis" "%s1 picked up Aegis of the Immortal!"
"DOTA_Chat_DeniedAegis" "%s1 denied the Aegis of the Immortal!!"
"DOTA_Chat_AegisStolen" "%s1 snatched the Aegis of the Immortal!"
"DOTA_Chat_KilledRoshanGood" "Roshan has been killed by the Radiant! %s1 gold to each hero of The Radiant!"
"DOTA_Chat_KilledRoshanBad" "Roshan has been killed by the Dire! %s1 gold to each hero of The Dire!"
"DOTA_Chat_RoshanbooCandy" "Roshan wants candy from %s1!"
"DOTA_Chat_SuperCreepsGood" "All of the Dire Barracks have fallen. The Radiant now have Mega creeps!"
"DOTA_Chat_SuperCreepsBad" "All of the Radiant Barracks have fallen. The Dire now have Mega creeps!"
"DOTA_Chat_ItemPurchase" "%s1 just purchased %s2!"
"DOTA_Chat_Connect" "%s1 has connected to the game."
"DOTA_Chat_Disconnect" "%s1 has disconnected from the game."
"DOTA_Chat_DisconnectLimitedHero" "%s1 has disconnected from the game. Their hero will be replaced by a bot."
"DOTA_Chat_DisconnectWaitForReconnect" "%s1 has disconnected from the game. Please wait for them to reconnect."
"DOTA_Chat_DisconnectTimeRemaining" "%s1 has %s2 minute left to reconnect."
"DOTA_Chat_DisconnectTimeRemainingPlural" "%s1 has %s2 minutes left to reconnect."
"DOTA_Chat_LowPriorityCompletedExplanation" "This game will not count as completed unless you stay until the end of the match (and there are players on both teams present)."
"DOTA_Chat_SafeToLeave" "This game is now safe to leave."
"DOTA_Chat_Reconnect" "%s1 has reconnected to the game."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeft" "%s1 has left the game."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeftAFK" "%s1 has been removed from the game due to inactivity."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeftDisconnectedTooLong" "%s1 has been disconnected for too long and has been removed from the game."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerAbandoned" "%s1 has abandoned the game."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerAbandonedAFK" "%s1 has been removed from the game due to inactivity and will be assessed with an abandon."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerAbandonedDisconnectedTooLong" "%s1 has been disconnected for too long and will be assessed with an abandon."
"DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeftLimitedHero" "%s1 left the game. Their hero will be replaced by a bot."
"DOTA_Chat_AbandonLimitedHeroExplanation" "There are no punishments for leaving Limited Heroes mode games, but abandoning games in all other game modes may lead to punishment by placement in the low-priority queue."
"DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScored" "No stats will be recorded for this match."
"DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScoredRanked" "No stats will be recorded for this match. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will not be updated."
"DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScoredNetwork" "Poor network conditions have been detected. No stats will be recorded for this match. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will not be updated."
"DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScoredRankedNetwork" "Poor network conditions have been detected. No stats will be recorded for this match. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will not be updated."
"DOTA_Chat_CanQuitWithoutAbandon" "Players may now leave this match without being assessed with an abandon."
"DOTA_Chat_RankedGameStillScoredleaversGetLoss" "This match will be scored, and matchmaking rating (MMR) will be updated. Leavers will be scored as losers."
"DOTA_Chat_DropRateBonus" "%s1 increases the Battle Points earned by all players in this match by %s2%!"
"DOTA_Chat_RecruitmentDropRateBonus" "%s1 is earning Battle Points at a 50% increased rate due to playing with recruits or their recruiter."
"DOTA_Chat_FrostivusShiningBoosterActive" "%s1 increases the Shining Fragments earned by all players in this game by 10%!"
"DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_WrongLobby" "Battle Points will not be awarded for this match because it is a practice lobby."
"DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_Bots" "Battle Points will not be awarded for this match because it is against bots."
"DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_CheatsEnabled" "Battle Points will not be awarded for this match because cheats are enabled."
"DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_LowPriority" "You will not receive Battle Points because you are in the Low Priority Punishment Pool."
"DOTA_Chat_CoopBattlePointsRules" "The standard abandonment and AFK rules apply to Co-op Bot games! Battle points and end-of-game drops have also been re-enabled."
"DOTA_Chat_CoopLowPriorityNoPassiveReminder" "You will not receive credit for playing through a low-priority match in Coop-Bot mode if you are playing on passive difficulty. To receive credit, please play on easy difficulty or greater."
"DOTA_Chat_Frostivus_Abandon_Reminder" "The standard abandonment and AFK rules apply to Wraith-Night matches! Abandoning Wraith-Night games may lead to punishment by placement in the low-priority queue."
"DOTA_Chat_Ranked_Reminder" "Abandonment is treated more severely in ranked matches. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will be updated for any match that progresses past first blood."
"DOTA_Chat_ItemGifted" "%s1 received the gift %s2 from %s3!"
"dota_watch_totalprize" "Total Prize Pool: $%s1 (Contributed: $%s3)"
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_DoubleDamage" "%s1 activated a Double Damage rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Haste" "%s1 activated a Haste rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Illusion" "%s1 activated an Illusion rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Invisibility" "%s1 activated an Invisibility rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Regeneration" "%s1 activated a Regeneration rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_DoubleDamage" "%s1 has bottled a Double Damage rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Haste" "%s1 has bottled a Haste rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Illusion" "%s1 has bottled an Illusion rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Invisibility" "%s1 has bottled an Invisibility rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Regeneration" "%s1 has bottled a Regeneration rune."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_DoubleDamage_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Double Damage rune here."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Haste_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Haste rune here."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Illusion_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Illusion rune here."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Invisibility_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Invisibility rune here."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Regeneration_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Regeneration rune here."
"DOTA_Chat_Rune_Pumpkin_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Pumpkin rune here!"
"DOTA_Chat_Item_Spotted" "[ALLIES] %s2 dropped here."
"DOTA_Chat_Item_Alert" "[ALLIES] Gather for %s2 here.
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