Lily took a deep breath and began hesitantly.

Lily took a deep breath and began h

Lily took a deep breath and began hesitantly. "At the moment, I am unable to be sure of the extent of the damage to your eyes... They remain swollen shut and I wont be able to examine them thoroughly until the swelling goes down... Then I will have more of an idea. It all depends on whether the acid reached the nerves behind your eyes... If it hasn't, there is a chance that I can save your sight... If it has destroyed your nerves, then I'm afraid there's nothing I can do..."

Harry nodded silently. "I understand..."

"Like I said, Harry... We will know more when the swelling goes down. But if you can see light... Then I am very hopeful that we will be able to save your eyes... Or at least restore them." Lily said quietly, sensing the fear in the boy's words.

"So I'm doing well?" He asked quietly.

"Miraculously well considering the circumstances..." Lily said with a small smile as she looked upon him. "I just wish I could do more... And faster..."

"You have done more than your share already..." Harry said gently. "When do you think the swelling will be down enough to examine my eyes?"

"Within the next few days I hope." Lily replied, "I know this is a lot to take in..."

"You're not kidding." Harry said weakly, "How exactly did I get here? Was Dumbledore right? Did I apparate or use a portkey? And if so why out of everywhere in the world would I appear here- in the house of a stranger?"

The room went silent. No one knew how, or where to begin. Nobody wanted to upset Harry, but they knew they could not lie to him. It would only make matters worse the longer they delayed telling him the truth. Hermione glanced to Lily and James, as if asking their advice on what to say, Lily looked quite distressed now that the time had come. Hermione gave her a bracing smile then turned to James, who was staring at Harry in silent determination.

"You came into contact with a portkey, Harry." The familiar male voice said that he still could not place. "When your magic broke free it somehow activated its dormant power."

"What portkey?" Harry inquired. "How would I come into contact with a portkey at the Dursleys?"

"The ring you wear around your neck." James said hesitantly.

"My ring? But that's my family ring..." Harry said slowly.

"Yes, Harry... The Potter Family Ring..." James pressed.

"But why would it be a portkey?" Harry asked cautiously, a strange sensation welling up in his chest. "Where did it take me...? Surely if it had been made into a portkey, it would've taken me to Godric's Hollow..."

"No Harry, not Godric's Hollow... That was only a temporary residence..." James said quietly.

"It brought you here... To us, Harry." The familiar woman's voice said quietly.

"I don't understand..." Harry said anxiously, "It brought me where?"

"To the Potter family home..."

Harry lay in stunned silence. His family ring had taken him to a property he did not know existed; a property owned by his family. He was sitting in his parents' house. Then he realized what the woman had said. "It brought you here... to us."

"Who are you?" he demanded anxiously.

"Dumbledore's betrayals run deeper than you know..." The man's voice came again. It was laced with bitterness, anger, and sadness. "He has lead you to believe that the two people closest to you have been dead for 15 years... Just like he lead us to believe that you were dead..."

"Are... are you saying..." Harry began hesitantly, "That you're my parents?"

"Yes Harry..." Lily said choking on the rising lump in her throat. "We are your parents..."

Harry couldn't breathe. He was sure that for several fleeting moments his heart had actually stopped beating. He felt dizzy, and he was sure that if he could actually see the room about him it would be spinning. Alive? For as long as he could remember, all he had ever wished for was for his parents to walk through the door one day and explain to him that it had all been a big mistake. That they were alive, and were here to take care of him. To whisk him away from his life at the Dursley's. To show him of a new life; a life with his parents.

Had what they said been true? Had Dumbledore deceived them all, all these long fifteen years? Harry felt sick to his stomach just thinking about all the times Dumbledore had talked with him about his grief over his parents' deaths. All the words about how he was so much like his dead he had his dead mother's eyes. Such a shame.. He had said. Such a shame. Harry's breathing increased rapidly with his anger.

"Mum?" He said faintly, his breathing becoming so rapid his words were gasps. "Dad?"

"Harry... I know you will be shocked..." James said quickly, "We were too..."

"He told me Voldemort killed you..." Harry said in disbelief.

"He very nearly did..." James said grimly, "But in the end, he was only interested in killing you, Harry... We struggled, but he managed tothrow us out of the way. Before we could attack again there was an explosion and we both got knocked out... When we came to... you were gone."

"Dumbledore took me- he took me to the Dursleys..." Harry said, placing the pieces together.

"We went straight to him andtold him what had happened..." James said angrily, tears forming in his eyes. "He told me he had moved your body from Godric's Hollow himself, That bastard told me you were dead. He looked into my eyes and told me you were dead..."

"Why? Why would he do this?" Harry asked in shock, "All these years... all these years he's lied to me."

"He's lied to us all Harry..." Hermione said quietly.

Harry fell silent. How could the man he had trusted above all others really be this evil? He found himself wondering how he had ever fallen for the old man's apparent wisdom. Obviously he was not the only one to be fooled by Albus Dumbledore. He felt used... Used and betrayed. How could one of the only men whom he thought had his best interests at heart have looked into his eyes and told him that his parents had died, when he knew they lived? Suddenly he thought of Sirius, and his heart went stone cold. His stomach lurched uncomfortably as the harsh truth hit him.

"Wait..." Harry said suddenly. "If he knew you were alive..."

"...Then he let Sirius rot in Azkaban knowing full well he was innocent? Yes, he did." James spat, finishing the sentance for himangrily.

"I- I don't understand..." Harry said in despair. "Why would he do this to me? Why would he tell me you were dead when he knew you were alive... Why would he leave Sirius to rot in Jail when he knew he was innocent? And why, why would he tell you I was dead?"

"I don't know about the first three, but I know exactly why he told us you were dead." James said bitterly.

"Why?" Harry asked sharply.

"To get us out of the way. He suggested that we should leave- to get away from the grief and pain," James replied in a growl, "Knowing that we would turn our backs on the Wizarding world and never come back. He told us everyone believed we were dead, he said it would be better for us to leave and look after each other rather than stay and fight in the war... He never told us Voldemort died trying to kill you. We thought the war was still going..."

"But that doesn't make sense... Why would he want you out of the way?" Harry asked, "Unless... Unless he wanted total control of me..."

"I've been thinking about this, over and over in my mind, and that is the only thing that I can think of Harry..." James said quietly. "He must have known we would never allow you to become a martyr. He knew that Sirius would not allow it either..."

"So he took care of everyone who would stand in his way... Sirius is dead..." Harry said quietly.

"I know son... Hermione told us... We had always intended for you to go to Sirius... Always... It was in the will we made... Dumbledore knew you were to go to Sirius..."

"So he had him locked up instead... And he put me with the only relatives I had that hated my guts..." Harry said bitterly.

"Harry, I promise you," James said desperately, "even if you cannot forgive Lily and I, I promise you, I will make Dumbledore answer for all of this. He will pay for what he has done."

"Can that wait until I'm well again? I'd like to be there... if you don't mind..." Harry said in a dark voice.

"Of course..." James replied slowly.

"Think rationally James!" Lily blurted out suddenly, "Dumbledore is dangerous! Now we know what he is capable of, you aren't going anywhere until we've thought all of this through."

"It's alright Lil... Everything will be alright, I promise..." James assured her as she sighed in despair.

"James, I think Hermione and her Parents should stay here..." Lily said changing the subject as she looked to Jonathan and Julia who were all very wide eyed and looking as though they felt out of place. "I fear for their safety... Who knows what lengths Dumbledore will go too to get to Harry..."

"I agree..." James said, frowning, "Hermione would not wish to leave Harry anyway, I think."

"No." Hermione said quickly, "I'd like to stay... as long as it's not aninconvenience to you both..."

James shook his head, standing up from Harry's bed, "None at all."

"Thank you." Hermione replied in relief.

"It's getting late, Lily and I will go sort out the guest rooms for you." James said with a small smile, before taking Lily by the shoulder's walking towards the door.

"Mum... Dad..." Harry said quickly.

James and Lily turned slowly to look upon Harry. Hermione could see, that through the sadness, James and Lily's eyes were shining at being addressedby Harry in such a way. She knew they were in pain, as Harry was, she could sense it in the air of the room, in their breathing, in their movements, and in their eyes. As they looked upon him she could see the hope radiating from their eyes.

"You said even if I could never forgive you..." Harry repeated James' words, "Well... the only reason I would have for not forgiving you... would be because you placed your trust in an old man, who I myself have trusted in ever
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Lily took a deep breath and began hesitantly. "At the moment, I am unable to be sure of the extent of the damage to your eyes... They remain swollen shut and I wont be able to examine them thoroughly until the swelling goes down... Then I will have more of an idea. It all depends on whether the acid reached the nerves behind your eyes... If it hasn't, there is a chance that I can save your sight... If it has destroyed your nerves, then I'm afraid there's nothing I can do..."Harry nodded silently. "I understand...""Like I said, Harry... We will know more when the swelling goes down. But if you can see light... Then I am very hopeful that we will be able to save your eyes... Or at least restore them." Lily said quietly, sensing the fear in the boy's words."So I'm doing well?" He asked quietly."Miraculously well considering the circumstances..." Lily said with a small smile as she looked upon him. "I just wish I could do more... And faster...""You have done more than your share already..." Harry said gently. "When do you think the swelling will be down enough to examine my eyes?""Within the next few days I hope." Lily replied, "I know this is a lot to take in...""You're not kidding." Harry said weakly, "How exactly did I get here? Was Dumbledore right? Did I apparate or use a portkey? And if so why out of everywhere in the world would I appear here- in the house of a stranger?"The room went silent. No one knew how, or where to begin. Nobody wanted to upset Harry, but they knew they could not lie to him. It would only make matters worse the longer they delayed telling him the truth. Hermione glanced to Lily and James, as if asking their advice on what to say, Lily looked quite distressed now that the time had come. Hermione gave her a bracing smile then turned to James, who was staring at Harry in silent determination."You came into contact with a portkey, Harry." The familiar male voice said that he still could not place. "When your magic broke free it somehow activated its dormant power.""What portkey?" Harry inquired. "How would I come into contact with a portkey at the Dursleys?""The ring you wear around your neck." James said hesitantly."My ring? But that's my family ring..." Harry said slowly."Yes, Harry... The Potter Family Ring..." James pressed."But why would it be a portkey?" Harry asked cautiously, a strange sensation welling up in his chest. "Where did it take me...? Surely if it had been made into a portkey, it would've taken me to Godric's Hollow...""No Harry, not Godric's Hollow... That was only a temporary residence..." James said quietly."It brought you here... To us, Harry." The familiar woman's voice said quietly."I don't understand..." Harry said anxiously, "It brought me where?""To the Potter family home..."Harry nằm trong im lặng choáng váng. Vòng gia đình của ông đã đưa anh ta đến một tài sản mà ông không biết tồn tại; một tài sản thuộc sở hữu của gia đình. Ông ngồi trong căn nhà cha mẹ anh. Sau đó ông nhận ra những gì người phụ nữ đã nói. "Nó mang lại bạn ở đây... cho chúng tôi.""Mày là ai?" ông yêu cầu lo âu."Dumbledore bội chạy sâu hơn bạn biết..." Tiếng nói của người đàn ông đã một lần nữa. Nó đã được tẩm với cay đắng, tức giận và nỗi buồn. "Ông đã dẫn bạn tin rằng hai người gần gũi nhất với bạn có được chết trong 15 năm qua..." Cũng giống như ông dẫn chúng tôi tin rằng anh đã chết... ""Là... bạn đang nói..." Harry đã bắt đầu hesitantly, "Rằng bạn là cha mẹ của tôi?""Có Harry..." Lily nói nghẹt thở trên khối u tăng trong cổ họng của mình. "Chúng tôi là cha mẹ của bạn..."Harry không thể thở. Ông đã chắc chắn rằng cho một số những khoảnh khắc thái trái tim của ông đã thực sự ngừng đập. Ông cảm thấy chóng mặt, và ông đã chắc chắn rằng nếu ông có thể thực sự thấy phòng về ông nó sẽ kéo sợi. Còn sống? Càng lâu như ông có thể nhớ, tất cả các ông đã bao giờ muốn cho là cho cha mẹ để đi bộ qua cửa một ngày và giải thích cho ông rằng nó tất cả là một sai lầm lớn. Rằng họ còn sống, và đã ở đây để chăm sóc của anh ta. Để đánh anh ta ra khỏi cuộc sống của mình lúc của Dursley. Cho anh ta một cuộc sống mới; một cuộc sống với cha mẹ.Có những gì họ nói được sự thật? Giáo sư Dumbledore đã bị lừa dối tất cả, tất cả những dài mười lăm năm? Harry cảm thấy bị bệnh đến dạ dày của mình, chỉ cần suy nghĩ về tất cả các lần Dumbledore đã nói chuyện với anh ta về đau buồn của mình qua cái chết cha mẹ anh. Tất cả các từ về việc làm thế nào ông đã rất nhiều thích của ông chết ông có đôi mắt mẹ đã chết. Như vậy là một sự xấu hổ... Ông đã nói. Như vậy là một sự xấu hổ. Harry's thở tăng lên nhanh chóng với sự tức giận của mình."Mum?" Ông sẽ nhạt, hơi thở của mình trở nên như vậy nhanh chóng từ của ông là gasps. "Dad?""Harry... Tôi biết bạn sẽ bị sốc..." James nói một cách nhanh chóng, "chúng tôi đã quá...""Ông nói với tôi Voldemort giết bạn..." Harry nói trong sự hoài nghi."Ông rất gần mà..." James nói grimly, "nhưng cuối cùng, ông chỉ quan tâm đến việc giết chết bạn, Harry... Chúng tôi đấu tranh, nhưng ông quản lý bỏ chúng tôi ra khỏi đường. Trước khi chúng tôi có thể tấn công một lần nữa đã có một vụ nổ và cả hai chúng tôi đã gõ... Khi chúng tôi đã đến... anh đã đi.""Giáo sư Dumbledore đã cho tôi-ông đưa tôi đến Dursleys..." Harry nói, việc đặt các mảnh lại với nhau."Chúng tôi đã đi thẳng đến anh ta andtold anh ta những gì đã xảy ra..." James nói giận dữ, nước mắt hình thành trong mắt ông. "Ông nói với tôi ông ta đã chuyển cơ thể của bạn từ Godric của Hollow mình, đồ khốn đó nói với tôi anh đã chết. Ông nhìn vào mắt tôi và nói với tôi anh đã chết... ""Tại sao? Sao ông lại làm điều này?" Harry hỏi bị sốc, "tất cả những năm... tất cả những năm này ông đã nói dối tôi.""Ông đã nói dối chúng tôi tất cả Harry..." Hermione nói nhẹ nhàng.Harry fell silent. How could the man he had trusted above all others really be this evil? He found himself wondering how he had ever fallen for the old man's apparent wisdom. Obviously he was not the only one to be fooled by Albus Dumbledore. He felt used... Used and betrayed. How could one of the only men whom he thought had his best interests at heart have looked into his eyes and told him that his parents had died, when he knew they lived? Suddenly he thought of Sirius, and his heart went stone cold. His stomach lurched uncomfortably as the harsh truth hit him."Wait..." Harry said suddenly. "If he knew you were alive...""...Then he let Sirius rot in Azkaban knowing full well he was innocent? Yes, he did." James spat, finishing the sentance for himangrily."I- I don't understand..." Harry said in despair. "Why would he do this to me? Why would he tell me you were dead when he knew you were alive... Why would he leave Sirius to rot in Jail when he knew he was innocent? And why, why would he tell you I was dead?""I don't know about the first three, but I know exactly why he told us you were dead." James said bitterly."Why?" Harry asked sharply."To get us out of the way. He suggested that we should leave- to get away from the grief and pain," James replied in a growl, "Knowing that we would turn our backs on the Wizarding world and never come back. He told us everyone believed we were dead, he said it would be better for us to leave and look after each other rather than stay and fight in the war... He never told us Voldemort died trying to kill you. We thought the war was still going..."
"But that doesn't make sense... Why would he want you out of the way?" Harry asked, "Unless... Unless he wanted total control of me..."

"I've been thinking about this, over and over in my mind, and that is the only thing that I can think of Harry..." James said quietly. "He must have known we would never allow you to become a martyr. He knew that Sirius would not allow it either..."

"So he took care of everyone who would stand in his way... Sirius is dead..." Harry said quietly.

"I know son... Hermione told us... We had always intended for you to go to Sirius... Always... It was in the will we made... Dumbledore knew you were to go to Sirius..."

"So he had him locked up instead... And he put me with the only relatives I had that hated my guts..." Harry said bitterly.

"Harry, I promise you," James said desperately, "even if you cannot forgive Lily and I, I promise you, I will make Dumbledore answer for all of this. He will pay for what he has done."

"Can that wait until I'm well again? I'd like to be there... if you don't mind..." Harry said in a dark voice.

"Of course..." James replied slowly.

"Think rationally James!" Lily blurted out suddenly, "Dumbledore is dangerous! Now we know what he is capable of, you aren't going anywhere until we've thought all of this through."

"It's alright Lil... Everything will be alright, I promise..." James assured her as she sighed in despair.

"James, I think Hermione and her Parents should stay here..." Lily said changing the subject as she looked to Jonathan and Julia who were all very wide eyed and looking as though they felt out of place. "I fear for their safety... Who knows what lengths Dumbledore will go too to get to Harry..."

"I agree..." James said, frowning, "Hermione would not wish to leave Harry anyway, I think."

"No." Hermione said quickly, "I'd like to stay... as long as it's not aninconvenience to you both..."

James shook his head, standing up from Harry's bed, "None at all."

"Thank you." Hermione replied in relief.

"It's getting late, Lily and I will go sort out the guest rooms for you." James said with a small smile, before taking Lily by the shoulder's walking towards the door.

"Mum... Dad..." Harry said quickly.

James and Lily turned slowly to look upon Harry. Hermione could see, that through the sadness, James and Lily's eyes were shining at being addressedby Harry in such a way. She knew they were in pain, as Harry was, she could sense it in the air of the room, in their breathing, in their movements, and in their eyes. As they looked upon him she could see the hope radiating from their eyes.

"You said even if I could never forgive you..." Harry repeated James' words, "Well... the only reason I would have for not forgiving you... would be because you placed your trust in an old man, who I myself have trusted in ever
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